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Your first Html code!


All right, we all have to start somewhere, so I'll just begin with this:





   Mark my words: EACH and EVERY html page you make will have that structure. Without exception. See, the page begins with a <html> tag and finishes with </html>; that's to tell the computer that it is indeed reading html, not some other language. Also, notice the structure of the language; you have the tag, and then you have that same tag with a / ( slash) somewhere else. Everything in between those tags is affected by them. In this case, the tags tell the computer that everything between the tags is html. Then you have the head tags; in the beginning, you'll only use them to put in the title of the page. But later, you'll be able to put META commands and scripts in there too. Then we have the body tags. This is where the meat of your page will go, meaning text, images, sounds, animations, everything else. ALWAYS follow this structure! Oh and by the way, you don't need the indenting that I used: it'll just make it easier to read later.

   Now you're ready to an HTML file in Notepad. lucky for you, I've justy added a step by step, fully illustrated guide to using Notepad. Just follow this link to see it for yourself

Writing text

Next, to write text on the page, follow this structure:

  Here you write the text...

This gives us:

Yep, it's that easy!

Putting in a title

Next, I'll show you how to put a title in the page:

  <title> This is my title </title>

Combined with the other stuff, it gives us this:

   See, the title bar changed. The title thing seems really stupid, but putting a title in your page is extremely important, since it's the name which is given to the bookmark if the visitor chooses to do so. No title equals no bookmark equals loss of a great chunk of audience. So put in a title, alright!

So, in short, your basic page should look like this:


   <title> This is my title </title>

   Here you write the text...


Simple isn't it! Next, we're gonna learn how to do some basic stuff with text.