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Welcome to Html and Beyond!


The absolute best place to learn HTML on the web, guaranteed!

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   Oh, I was once like you, an idealistic fool who thought that web sites magically appeared out of nowhere, as if spawned by a cute little fairy of some kind. But that was a long, long time ago, and now, I can proudly say that through an excruciatingly long and painful, three months worth of self discovery, I have managed to find the truth about web sites appearing out of nowhere: people do them!!!

   Yeah, people do web sites. Lotsa people. Why? 'Cause it's easy. It really is. But if you wanna learn how to do a web site or page all by yourself, without any exterior support of any kind, you're gonna need a lot of luck. That's where I come in. Presenting: Myno. The man, the legend. THE person nobody knows or cares about. Thanks to the wonders of my superior intelligence, I will teach you how to make just about everything on your web site or page (except CGI's, I'm still in the learning process...) So if you please, we all gotta start somewhere, in this case with the essential stuff you gotta know, in a little segment I'd like to call: preparation...

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